In Part 1 we defined the body part bean class, now let's define the message bean class. This class extends BodypartBean class and implements the rest of the mime message properties, mostly mime header fields. This class can be considered as the replacement of java mail Message class.
/* * blog/javaclue/javamail/ * * Copyright (C) 2009 JackW
* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. * If not, see <>. */ package blog.javaclue.javamail; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.mail.Address; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * A portable class that holds properties of an email mine message. * * @author JackW
*/ public final class MessageBean extends BodypartBean implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7651754840464120630L; static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MessageBean.class); static final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled(); private Address[] from, to, cc, bcc, replyto, forward; private Address[] toEnvelope; private String returnPath; private String[] xmailer, priority; private String smtpMessageId; private String subject; private java.util.Date sentDate; private int attachCount = 0; // to be set by BodypartUtil.retrieveAttachments() private MessageNode rfc822, report; private List<MessageNode> attachments; // list of MessageNode // end // to be set by MessageParser.parse() private String origRcpt, finalRcpt, dsnAction, dsnStatus; private String origSubject, diagnosticCode, rfcMessageId; private String dsnRfc822, dsnText, dsnDlvrStat; // end // properties about the mailbox private String mailboxHost, mailboxUser; // for incoming only, stores sizes of each attachment. private final List<Integer> componentsSize; // name used to store message body to the hashMap public static final String MSG_BODY_TEXT = "msg_body_text"; final static String LF = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); /** * default constructor */ public MessageBean() { componentsSize = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } private String addrToString(Address[] addr) { if (addr == null || addr.length == 0) return null; String str = addr[0].toString(); for (int i = 1; i < addr.length; i++) { str = str + "," + addr[i].toString(); } return str; } /* getters and setters start from here */ /** * @return from address as an Address arrayNode */ public Address[] getFrom() { return this.from; } /** * @return from address as a string */ public String getFromAsString() { return addrToString(this.from); } /** * @return to address as an Address arrayNode */ public Address[] getTo() { return; } /** * @return to address as a string */ public String getToAsString() { return addrToString(; } /** * @return cc address as an Address arrayNode */ public Address[] getCc() { return; } /** * @return cc address as a string */ public String getCcAsString() { return addrToString(; } /** * @return bcc address as an Address arrayNode */ public Address[] getBcc() { return this.bcc; } /** * @return bcc address as a string */ public String getBccAsString() { return addrToString(this.bcc); } /** * @return replyto address as an Address arrayNode */ public Address[] getReplyto() { return this.replyto; } /** * @return replyto address as a string */ public String getReplytoAsString() { return addrToString(this.replyto); } /** * @return forward address as an Address arrayNode */ public Address[] getForward() { return this.forward; } /** * @return forward address as a string */ public String getForwardAsString() { return addrToString(this.forward); } public String getReturnPath() { return returnPath; } public Address[] getToEnvelope() { return this.toEnvelope; } String getToEnvelopeAsString() { return addrToString(this.toEnvelope); } /** * @return x_mailer as a string arrayNode */ public String[] getXmailer() { return this.xmailer; } /** * @return x-priority as a string arrayNode */ public String[] getPriority() { return this.priority; } /** * @return SMTP message id as a string */ public String getSmtpMessageId() { return this.smtpMessageId; } /** * @return subject as a string */ public String getSubject() { return subject; } /** * @return send DateField */ public java.util.Date getSentDate() { return sentDate; } /** * Get Body Content Type * * @return content type of the body */ public String getBodyContentType() { String type = getBodyContentType(0); if (type == null || type.trim().length() == 0) { type = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE; } return type; } /** * get email message body. * * @return the email body */ public String getBody() { String msgBody = getBody(0); return msgBody; } /** * get a BodypartBean that holds message body data * * @return a BodypartBean */ public BodypartBean getBodyNode() { return getBodyNode(0); } /** * @return the number of attachments. */ public int getAttachCount() { return attachCount; } /** * @return the mailbox host name */ public String getMailboxHost() { return mailboxHost; } /** * @return the mailbox user id */ public String getMailboxUser() { return mailboxUser; } /** * @return rfc822 */ public MessageNode getRfc822() { return rfc822; } /** * @return report */ public MessageNode getReport() { return report; } /** * @return attachments */ public List<MessageNode> getAttachments() { return attachments; } public String getRfcMessageId() { return rfcMessageId; } public List<Integer> getComponentsSize() { return componentsSize; } /* all setters start from here */ /** * set from address from an Address arrayNode * * @param from */ public void setFrom(Address[] from) { this.from = from; } /** * set to address from an Address arrayNode * * @param to */ public void setTo(Address[] to) { = to; } /** * set cc address from an Address arrayNode * * @param cc */ public void setCc(Address[] cc) { = cc; } /** * set bcc address from an Address arrayNode * * @param bcc */ public void setBcc(Address[] bcc) { this.bcc = bcc; } /** * set replyto address from an Address arrayNode * * @param replyto */ public void setReplyto(Address[] replyto) { this.replyto = replyto; } /** * set forward address from an Address arrayNode * * @param forward */ public void setForward(Address[] forward) { this.forward = forward; } public void setReturnPath(String returnPath) { this.returnPath = returnPath; } /** * set x-mailer from a string arrayNode * * @param xmailer */ public void setXmailer(String[] xmailer) { this.xmailer = xmailer; } /** * set x-priority from a string arrayNode * * @param priority */ public void setPriority(String[] priority) { this.priority = priority; } /** * set SMTP message id * * @param smtpMessageId */ public void setSmtpMessageId(String smtpMessageId) { this.smtpMessageId = smtpMessageId; } /** * set subject from a string * * @param subject */ public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } /** * set send DateField * * @param DateField */ public void setSentDate(java.util.Date date) { this.sentDate = date; } /** * set mailbox host * * @param mailboxHost */ public void setMailboxHost(String mailboxHost) { this.mailboxHost = mailboxHost; } /** * set mailbox user id * * @param mailboxUser */ public void setMailboxUser(String mailboxUser) { this.mailboxUser = mailboxUser; } /** * set rfc822 * * @param rfc822 */ public void setRfc822(MessageNode rfc822) { this.rfc822 = rfc822; } /** * set report * * @param report */ public void setReport(MessageNode report) { = report; } /** * set attachments * * @param attachments */ public void setAttachments(List<MessageNode> attachments) { this.attachments = attachments; } /** * set Message Body, a convenient method, not recommended in production code. * * @param body */ public void setBody(String body) { setValue(body); } public String getDiagnosticCode() { return diagnosticCode; } public void setDiagnosticCode(String diagnosticCode) { this.diagnosticCode = diagnosticCode; } public String getDsnAction() { return dsnAction; } public void setDsnAction(String dsnAction) { this.dsnAction = dsnAction; } public String getDsnDlvrStat() { return dsnDlvrStat; } public void setDsnDlvrStat(String dsnDlvrStat) { this.dsnDlvrStat = dsnDlvrStat; } public String getDsnRfc822() { return dsnRfc822; } public void setDsnRfc822(String dsnRfc822) { this.dsnRfc822 = dsnRfc822; } public String getDsnStatus() { return dsnStatus; } public void setDsnStatus(String dsnStatus) { this.dsnStatus = dsnStatus; } public String getDsnText() { return dsnText; } public void setDsnText(String dsnText) { this.dsnText = dsnText; } public String getFinalRcpt() { return finalRcpt; } public void setFinalRcpt(String finalRcpt) { this.finalRcpt = finalRcpt; } public String getOrigRcpt() { return origRcpt; } public void setOrigRcpt(String origRcpt) { this.origRcpt = origRcpt; } public String getOrigSubject() { return origSubject; } public void setOrigSubject(String origSubject) { this.origSubject = origSubject; } public void setToEnvelope(Address[] toEnvelope) { this.toEnvelope = toEnvelope; } public void setRfcMessageId(String dsnMessageId) { this.rfcMessageId = dsnMessageId; } /** * update the counter of attachments * * @param attachCount */ public void updateAttachCount(int attachCount) { this.attachCount = this.attachCount + attachCount; } /** * clear up all parameters */ public void clearParameters() { super.clearParameters(); from = null; to = null; cc = null; bcc = null; replyto = null; forward = null; returnPath = null; toEnvelope = null; xmailer = null; priority = null; smtpMessageId = null; subject = null; sentDate = null; synchronized (this) { attachCount = 0; } mailboxHost = null; mailboxUser = null; rfc822 = null; report = null; attachments = null; componentsSize.clear(); origRcpt = null; finalRcpt = null; dsnAction = null; dsnStatus = null; origSubject = null; diagnosticCode = null; dsnText = null; dsnRfc822 = null; dsnDlvrStat = null; rfcMessageId = null; } /** * format the message to a string for printing. * * @return string */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (from != null) { sb.append("From: " + getFromAsString() + LF); } if (to != null) { sb.append("To: " + getToAsString() + LF); } if (toEnvelope != null) { sb.append("To from Envelope: " + getToEnvelopeAsString() + LF); } if (cc != null) { sb.append("Cc: " + getCcAsString() + LF); } if (bcc != null) { sb.append("Bcc: " + getBccAsString() + LF); } if (replyto != null) { sb.append("Replyto: " + getReplytoAsString() + LF); } if (forward != null) { sb.append("Forward: " + getForwardAsString() + LF); } if (returnPath != null) { sb.append("Return-Path: " + returnPath + LF); } if (xmailer != null && xmailer.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < xmailer.length; i++) { sb.append("X-Mailer: " + xmailer[i] + LF); } } if (priority != null && priority.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < priority.length; i++) { sb.append("Priority: " + priority[i] + LF); } } if (smtpMessageId != null) { sb.append("SMTP Message Id: " + smtpMessageId + LF); } sb.append("Subject: " + subject + LF); if (sentDate != null) { sb.append("Sent Date: " + sentDate + LF); } if (mailboxHost != null) { sb.append("MailBox Host: " + mailboxHost + LF); } if (mailboxUser != null) { sb.append("Mailbox User: " + mailboxUser + LF); } if (finalRcpt != null) { sb.append("Final Recipient: " + finalRcpt + LF); } if (origRcpt != null) { sb.append("Original Recipient: " + origRcpt + LF); } if (dsnAction != null) { sb.append("DSN Action: " + dsnAction + LF); } if (dsnStatus != null) { sb.append("DSN Status: " + dsnStatus + LF); } if (diagnosticCode != null) { sb.append("Diagnostic Code: " + diagnosticCode + LF); } if (origSubject != null) { sb.append("Original Subject: " + origSubject + LF); } if (rfcMessageId != null) { sb.append("RFC MessageId: " + rfcMessageId + LF); } if (dsnText != null) { sb.append(LF + "List DSN Text: " + LF + dsnText + LF); } if (dsnRfc822 != null) { sb.append(LF + "List DSN RFC822: " + LF + dsnRfc822 + LF); } if (dsnDlvrStat != null) { sb.append(LF + "List DSN Delivery Status: " + LF + dsnDlvrStat + LF); } if (headers.size() > 0) { sb.append(LF + "List Header Lines:" + LF); } for (Iterator<MsgHeader> it=headers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { MsgHeader hdr =; sb.append("Header Line - " + hdr.getName() + ": " + hdr.getValue() + LF); } sb.append(LF + "List Body Parts:" + LF); sb.append(super.toString(0)); if (attachments != null && attachments.size() > 0) { sb.append(LF + "List Attachments:" + LF); for (Iterator<MessageNode> it=attachments.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { MessageNode node =; BodypartBean anode = node.getBodypartNode(); sb.append(anode.toString(node.getLevel())); } } return sb.toString(); } }
how i can use MSG_BODY_TEXT ??? tnx
ReplyDeleteIt isn't used any more, must be a left over from a refactoring effort.